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Live healthier, live happier, live life to the full!

Supercharge your energy and take control of your health through simple nutrition and lifestyle changes. Feel healthier, feel happier and stress less.


Book your complimentary 'Health and Energy Review' to find out how.

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Does this sound familiar?

You are busy, stressed and overwhelmed with your life. You wake up feeling tired and rely on caffeine or carbs (or both) to get through the day. You wish you had more energy to live life the way you would really like. You are too busy looking after everyone else to think about your own health and wellbeing. You sometimes feel like you have lost the real you.


If this sounds like you then you are not alone. When you are swamped with work, home and family responsibilities then it can feel like there is never time to take a break and taking time out for yourself seems like an unnecessary self-indulgence. Despite knowing that you should exercise and eat healthy food, it may seem impossible to find the time or energy to do either regularly! 


As well as feeling tired and low in energy you may be struggling with fluctuating moods, concentration and focus. Perhaps you wonder why you don’t sleep as well as you used to and you may be worried about hormonal or other symptoms. Maybe you have started to put on more weight, or you are finding it more difficult to lose than you used to.


As a Health Coach I work with people just like you and I will show you how to take small steps to increase your energy levels, reduce stress and take back control of your health.

Image by Elisa Ventur

About me

I’m Catherine and I am a Certified Health Coach. I work with people who feel overwhelmed, stressed and tired. I help them to find ways to increase their energy and feel less tired so that they can do everything they want and need to do without feeling drained or exhausted at the end of the day. After working with me, my clients feel more energised, healthier and more motivated. They sleep better, feel happier and they stress less.


I work from home in Nottingham and my coaching space is a cabin at the end of my garden. I invite you to take some time out from the stress and overwhelm of daily life and join me in The Health Coaching Cabin. The Cabin is a sanctuary, giving you space to breathe and a safe place for you to explore what you really want for your health, your life and your future. If you can't join me in person then I also coach clients online.


For further details of my one to one coaching programmes see here.

Want to boost your energy levels? Then ditch the sugar!

Download my free e-book for lots of tips on how to beat those sugar cravings.

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Madeleine - 4 weeks

"After completing the 4 weekly sessions – I feel more energised and motivated. I feel ‘lighter’ – I have lost 3 kg in weight. My mental health has also improved, no more ‘brain fog’ and I feel I can complete most tasks with ‘a spring in my step’. My motivation has improved dramatically and I feel much stronger in my outlook. My friends have noticed a difference."
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